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How to design outdoor customize playground?

Views: 5     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-06-16      Origin: Site

The desire to play comes naturally to all children, which can increase children's self-esteem, opens a young mind to new possibilities, and develops social, verbal, and problem-solving skills. Since its inception at the start of the 20th century, outdoor playground in the U.S. has advanced dramatically from the isolated metal pieces of traditional playgrounds to today's imaginative play activities of non-standard customize playground, which are designed to high standards of safety and durability. Still, it is important to remember that the process and quality of a non-standard customize playground cannot be purchased. It is provided by the child's imagination and innate desire to play. Therefore, the goal of designing for non-standard customize playground is simply to create an environment to beckon children.


How to design an outdoor customize playground?

Which charms can be explored in an outdoor customize playground?

What should be paid attention to when using an outdoor customize playground?


How to design an outdoor customize playground?


The main issue in designing outdoor customize playgrounds is to provide challenging and fun activities while also providing for the safety of the children using the outdoor customize playgrounds. Techniques for designing and constructing safe outdoor customize playground environments that provide age-appropriate challenges and play experiences for children are outlined in the Public Playground Safety Handbook.


As in the design of any architectural space, the process of designing a non-standard outdoor customize playground should begin with thorough programming to better understand the needs of the owner and how and by whom the playground will be used. For example, important pre-design information includes knowing how to arrive at the outdoor customize playground; whether or not the children will be supervised while playing on the outdoor customize playground; what the anticipated age range of the children using the outdoor customize playground will be; and how many children are typically expected to be on the outdoor customize playground at one time. Knowing how and by means the non-standard customize playground will be maintained may also affect many planning and design decisions.


The majority structures of manufactured non-standard customize playground use one or more of the following as the main construction material: pressure-treated wood, steel, galvanized steel, aluminum, and various recycled materials. Environmental conditions, use, and desired aesthetics should be considered when selecting the materials to be used in the construction of the non-standard amusement playground equipment.


Which charms can be explored in an outdoor customize playground?

Outdoor customize playground is more and more favored by investors. In addition to high-tech machinery and equipment that keeps pace with the times, in recent years, the outdoor customize playground has begun to return to nature, attaching importance to the cultivation of people’s physical fitness and relieving the impact of electronic products on people.

Because outdoor customize amusement equipment has a lower cost and operating capital than traditional amusement equipment, outdoor customize amusement equipment is suitable to place in amusement parks with a large flow of people.

Outdoor customize playground refers to an active experience type facility with the characteristics of non-standard amusement equipment without using any unnatural external force and energy. The characteristics of outdoor customize playgrounds are high safety factor, long service life, low maintenance cost, strong entertainment and good interaction. Outdoor amusement equipment can stimulate children’s sports nature, create novel play methods and challenges for children, and alleviate the impact of current electronic products on children’s senses such as vision and hearing.


What should be paid attention to in an outdoor customize playground?

In order to ensure the feasibility of the investment, operators will customize outdoor playground. The purpose of a non-standard customize playground is to maximize the advantages of the original venue, design and develop new models to attract children's attention.

Device size. The amusement customize equipment are large and small, which are divided into different models and suitable for different venue areas. There are three models of amusement customize equipment, namely, large, medium and small. Consider budget and site size. It is impossible for a site to have only one kind of equipment, so be sure to plan well. What should be paid attention to when custom outdoor playground, the site area and budget should be clear.

Customer groups. Targeted selection of non-standard customize playground is also to ensure adequate passenger flow. The intended group is naturally children, but it is also divided into different age groups to choose some suitable amusement customize equipment.

Device playability. Outdoor customize playground must take pleasing appearances and unique and novel shape into account. Meanwhile, outdoor customize playgrounds must have a certain degree of entertainment, that is, playability. In addition, we must pay attention to the touch feelings of outdoor customize playgrounds. Children like to touch things with their hands, and they often come into contact when playing.


Learn more about non-standard customize playground can know the charms of a non-standard customize playground and how to design a non-standard customize playground. In the process of non-standard customize playground development, ZHEJIANG MICH PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT CO., LTD knows how to innovate while developing, and will also go out in the process of a introducing non-standard customize playground. Whether from quality or price, or delivery time, we can help customers to open up a further and larger market, it is wise to choose us as your business partner.


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